Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Weight Watchers & my son...

First off I'm going to start with my son, a little backwards from the title but I cant help how frustrated I am with him.

Today I had a dentist appointment, my amazing friend, Andi, watched the kids for me. Karrington is teething so she was crying a little, nothing Andi can't handle. My son on the other hand didn't listen to a word she said and went so far as to throw a large toy truck down her stairs in aggravation of her asking something of him. I'm appalled that my son would act this way toward anyone, let alone my dear friend who was doing a favor for me. When we got home he got his nighttime blanket, a bin full of pirate toys, his tools, and his TV privileges taken away..he is now confined to his room til bedtime. This child of mine has some major anger issues that I've got to find someway for him to work out..I'm thinking Karate might give him a little more discipline. I cant have my child acting like this when he starts school, I don't want to be the mom of the bully and I certainly don't want him growing up thinking this kind of behavior is acceptable. Now off my little rant and on to my life changes!

I'm thinking about starting Weight Watchers....not just for me (although I'm ready to lose this 60+ pounds and be back to my high school weight), but for my hubby and my kids as well. My husband has never seen me fit and trim and I want him to think me SEXY!...when we first met I was at my smallest since having my son, 173 lbs. Within our first year together, before getting pregnant, I was up to 206. I got pregnant, up to 252 and had our daughter. After breastfeeding the first 10 weeks, I was down to 215, within 9 lbs of my pre-pregnancy weight (GREAT!!!)! I got on Mirena, the IUD and within 3 weeks was back up to 230...I have since dropped 5 pounds but have kinda just stuck there. I know that I need to control portion sizes (Which I have taken to wholeheartedly) and be more active, but I think I may need a little more than that! So my thought is Weight Watchers, mainly because I know what a success it has been for my parents...both are on track to being lifetime members, which means they are nearly at the correct BMI and have to stay within 2 lbs of that weight for their lifetime! An Amazing Achievement if you ask me, especially to maintain such!

I'm going to start tracking my weight loss each week in a post, this will be my first step in becoming accountable and I'll also track my activity at weekly intervals to make sure I'm on track to my 3-day walk!!!

Here's to fitness and discipline...the last is for me and my SON! :)

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