Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I got my acceptance letter today to ASU!
I start in the Spring of 2011...back at a University...back on track to get my Bachelors..FINALLY!
I'm majoring in Special Education and I want to eventually get my MASTERS in Special Ed too. As for a concentration when I get my master, I haven't decided, but I'm sure once I'm in the field I'll have a passion for a specific disability. ASU does offer an Online Masters with a concentration in Autism...we shall see where this venture takes me!

On another note...I started Weight Watchers last week...not just watching my points on my own, the full fledged thing...Meetings and all! My starting weight was 221.6 on Thursday last week, so I weigh in again tomorrow! I'm hoping for a 2 lb weight loss! :) It hasn't been hard for me to change my eating habits, but It's been different for my hubby...who knows...maybe he will jump on the WW bandwagon with me eventually. All I know is I make dinner with my points in mind so he has to kinda go with it...even though he can eat as much as he wants!

I think tomorrow I may start taking progress photos of myself. No I don't like the way I look, but to see my progress in my body with photos will probably be great motivation...I may even post it here!


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